Friday, February 22, 2008

"Tai Chi" Skills

My first contribution!

My dad saw me drawing and said, "Huh? You can draw wan meh?"

Well, I can't, really. I can draw stick figures, scan it into the computer and then make use of my Photoshop skills.

I couldn't even produce a comic that fit within the width limit. With practice, hopefully I'll learn to tell stories utilising less space.

But for now, click on the image on the left for the full view.

I present to you, "Tai Chi" Skills!

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Are You A Horse or Donkey?

This story was inspired by a colleague of mine when she had this actual conversation with the CEO of the company and the CEO was really speechless after her reply.

We Are Trying To Help!!!

Despite our best intentions to help, we are at times often misunderstood by the very people that we are trying to help. I reckon that either they really don't see the benefit or might be plain dumb at times.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Grand Opening!

Welcome to Executive Woes, where I'll try to capture the perils of an executive in his/her everyday life. I am sure that most of you all can relate personally to some of the experiences which will be posted in the future. If you have any ideas don't forget to drop me an email, and would greatly appreciate if you guys can leave a comment or two :)

I am aiming to have the site updated with fresh content at least every 3 days, if I can't stick to the schedule due to work then I apologize. I hope this will go down well, with all of your support of course!

Let the show begin!

UPDATE 22-Feb-2008: We welcome the addition of Ee Ling to this blog, where she will be contributing her own hand drawn comics for now (while she develops her Photoshop skills) :), while I will focus on the 'Japanese-cartoon-like' illustrations.